The Plano Fire-Rescue Department is recognized as one of the finest in the nation. To maintain that level of quality, quality training is a must. BSW worked closely with the department to provide a facility capable of ensuring quality training. The new Fire-Rescue training center provides an administrative building with offices, lockers and exercise space as well as a large classroom/training space. Located adjacent to this building is a mock apparatus bay. The heart of the training center is the grouping of training buildings for the use of training methods and techniques for fighting structure fires, performing search and rescue in hazardous conditions and executing technical rescue operations. Two separate structures serve this purpose. The first is a mock single family home with fenced yard, steeply sloped roof planes and interior spaces typical of Plano. The second, much larger structure is really three functions combined. There is a section that mimics various typical multi-family layouts in the City, that is directly linked to a mock collapse structure that provides the bulk of the technical rescue training opportunities. This is then linked directly to a training tower with a floodable basement, and six above ground floors, with each floor representing a different training space for building types in the City: hotel, office, condominiums, etc. The site is planned to allow for expansion of the main administrative building and for provision additional training buildings. The project will be serving the Plano Fire-Rescue Department for decades to come.